Everybody crazy for socialmedia

I am currently here sitting while I download locally a Youtube video about Creating an Innovation Mindset; it needs to published on the customer intranet to be shared with all people on the company.

Why’s that? I am currently working on a project for the launch of a company internal socialnetwork, but the culture and the procedure of many company still do not allow the use of some socialmedia platform available, maybe “scared” of the usage of those: so the case is that youtube is closed for employees.

They like to leverage the technology, but still are closed on the (maybe old) ideas. Thing are changing… executives are trying to kick down some walls, but sometime we are still far from it.

There is a lot of chats about these concepts: Enterprise 2.0, Company SocialNetworks, Expert Networks, Idea Generation and so one. Seems like this area has still a lot of executive attention, based on a McKenseyQuaterly global survey recently published about  how company are benefiting from Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 or Enterprise 2.0 start from a radical mindset change of the company about the “employee”. It is not matter of getting the right technology or platform. As soon as this is taken into account, the sooner socialmedia/socialnetwork projects are likely to be successful.
People are not only Employee, they are Human, which work at the office, and live outside. Many (not most of course) innovate or share knowledge in between, so an integration between public platforms and company internal ones should be deeply analyzed.


From the technology prospective, the next future will be pretty hot. As far as I am concerned the next release of Sharepoint 2010 will foster the extension and availability of those tools, and that’s good for many company like mine which are leveraging this platform.

Personally i am also interested in seeing what other platform are doing, mostly because Sharepoint is way more than a socialmedia platform, so it probably won’t be the best of breed for this specific topic. It will for sure provide a lot more than company will be able to really leverage internally, but many other platform could enhance this.
I am currently evaluating Newsgator SocialSites 3.0 and Tellingent Enterprise, but also interested in other Competitors will play their game like Oracle or IBM.

We will see how it goes 🙂


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