New Personal site: English and GraffitiCMS

Hello! This is my new personal space re-startup.
After a first attempt using drupal for the site (where I succesfully posted lot of picture of myself from my wedding time: 2003) to the birth of my first son Riccardo, which ended when I changed job and company (and then lost the free hosting 🙂

Well, I changed job on Februrary 2008 and now got the time to make it back again (wow more than a year and a half just passed by…).
I chose two basic initial rules:

  • Use English for posting
    things a readable from more people (though they are less readable for italians… and that’s ok anyway 🙂
  • Use GraffitiCMS as a platform
    Although it has been defined as a kind of “playground platform” from telligent, I founded it pretty smart. It might not fit my need in the future… but I’ll try it for now.

I will also try to reimport all the previous post which were previously published at

Stay tuned