Live Online SharePoint Saturday EMEA

image As far as I know, this will be the first SharePoint Saturday held in EMEA Region.
This formula of events held on Saturday, is pretty famous in the US, but not as much in Europe. We’ll see how it goes.
This version is an online one. It wouldn’t have been possible to organize an in presence event like it is for the SPSatrurday in the US.

Though, It would be nice to have one in italy too. Claudio Brotto, one of the italian mvp, is already a speker of the current emea chapter.

Follow the buzz on twitter: #SPSEMEA

I’ll be joining online sometime on Jannuary 23rd, 2010 (there’s a conflict with the italian UGIAL.NET 5th conference, which for the second time is on my own company’s offices).

We’ll see how it goes.

Graffiti CMS – Remove Google Analytics tracking for selected users

As I posted on this “warm-up” post I am running my personal blog using Telligent Graffiti CMS, main reason: I like telligent’s products and approach, and I wanted to test this product of them on my shoulder.

I am very happy about it, set it ip and customezed it very quickly; the bad thing is that its future is not clear yet (is it sometime it is not updated). Anyhow, for the time been, I keep using it and sometime I need to implement some changes.


This time I wanted to stop Google analytics, which I implemented on the site, to track my own site access (or generally speaking, any access from an administrator)

To accomplish this, I found this article by google “How do I exclude my internal traffic from reports?” , which reports how to set-up a custom filter to exclude traffic coming with special conditions.

Among this, there is the option to set a variable, using a JavaScript call


This variable is set within the Analytics cookie, which last for some time (but since cookie can be reset, I wanted to be set for all admin sessions)

Having understood that, I then needed to define how, within Graffiti CMS, to execute this javascript call: it needs to be executed only from the users which I wanted to exclude.
I then went through the “Graffiti CMS” official documentation (read: I went through someone else code to find out stuff similar to mine 🙂

The result is the following: to modify the layout page of the theme you are using (in my case SleepyBlue) which can be found here: Home > files >themes > SleepyBlue > layout.view

On the bottom of the page, befor the </html> closure, I added the following code:

#if ($macros.IsNotNull($user))
<script type="text/javascript">pageTracker._setVar(‘siteadmin_access’);</script>

Note: Since this call needs the pageTracker object to be instantiated, it require the Analytics call to he executed before.
Within Graffitics CMS, there is a specific call to include a generic analytics plug in, which is:


This call, in my customized-theme case, is called within the <head> section of the page.
(if you’re wondering where the Goolge js need to be defined in graffiti: go to the “Control Panel > Site Options > Settings > Web Statistics”)



Now all I needed to to, is from the Analytics Settings to create a filter:

From the Analytics Profile, add a new Filter.




Using IE8 Developer Toolbar, I verified that the cookie was corretly setup



As you can see, the cookie expires is in two year 🙂


Speaking at MS SharePoint & Office Conference – Milan March 2010

This year ended with a good news: I will be speaking at the #SPOC2010 Microsoft SharePoint & Office Conference, scheduled for 9-11 March 2010.
It is a real pleasure to be there among the twenty speakers of the conference.

I will be presenting a session dedicated to the new social features, which are pervasive within many of the new functionality of the next version of SharePoint; my session’s mate will be Marco Rizzi with whom I am sure we will bring a lot of knowledge on this.
Nowadays you don’t develop “social applications” in the enterprise just because it is fancy or it is fun (even though it is more fun than developing standard applications 🙂 ). Most of the application that are currently been developed, or that are already in use, can leverage social functionality to connect people to people, colleague to colleague or employee to partners, so that the interaction between people is more effective and productive, and produce more relevant shared information.

More details to come 🙂

This is the official site:

See you there!