Well seems like I got a final hosting decision for my Windows Based personal Hosting.
My Main driver were:
- Windows Based hosting
- .net framework 3.5 support
- mid-low cost
- Intuitive and advanced control panel.
- Advanced platform (it allows win2k8+sql2k8)
- SharePoint addon (optional)
- Provide quite a nice range of common platforms that can be enabled on the hosting.
(also it was recommended by a friend, so it should be good to go).
It’s nice also to see that I am already posting to this site (using windows live writer) even before the hosting is activated. This is because GraffitiCMS comes with a file in his hives called Graffiti_demo.exe which actually allow you to run your site on your local file system. Behind the scenes, it’s using a standard component for a VisualStudio Developers
Very good idea.
Hi Alberto! Glad to see your new blog! I was always checking http://casu.it, just never noticed this host until I visited your twitter profile, maybe you should set up some kind of welcome page under the main site. However I’m definetely going to look forward to your posts, keep up the good work!