Tutti gli articoli di Alberto

Everybody crazy for socialmedia

I am currently here sitting while I download locally a Youtube video about Creating an Innovation Mindset; it needs to published on the customer intranet to be shared with all people on the company.

Why’s that? I am currently working on a project for the launch of a company internal socialnetwork, but the culture and the procedure of many company still do not allow the use of some socialmedia platform available, maybe “scared” of the usage of those: so the case is that youtube is closed for employees.

They like to leverage the technology, but still are closed on the (maybe old) ideas. Thing are changing… executives are trying to kick down some walls, but sometime we are still far from it.

There is a lot of chats about these concepts: Enterprise 2.0, Company SocialNetworks, Expert Networks, Idea Generation and so one. Seems like this area has still a lot of executive attention, based on a McKenseyQuaterly global survey recently published about  how company are benefiting from Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 or Enterprise 2.0 start from a radical mindset change of the company about the “employee”. It is not matter of getting the right technology or platform. As soon as this is taken into account, the sooner socialmedia/socialnetwork projects are likely to be successful.
People are not only Employee, they are Human, which work at the office, and live outside. Many (not most of course) innovate or share knowledge in between, so an integration between public platforms and company internal ones should be deeply analyzed.


From the technology prospective, the next future will be pretty hot. As far as I am concerned the next release of Sharepoint 2010 will foster the extension and availability of those tools, and that’s good for many company like mine which are leveraging this platform.

Personally i am also interested in seeing what other platform are doing, mostly because Sharepoint is way more than a socialmedia platform, so it probably won’t be the best of breed for this specific topic. It will for sure provide a lot more than company will be able to really leverage internally, but many other platform could enhance this.
I am currently evaluating Newsgator SocialSites 3.0 and Tellingent Enterprise, but also interested in other Competitors will play their game like Oracle or IBM.

We will see how it goes 🙂


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Ready, steady… go!

Ok, I think the site is now pretty ok and set-up.
I finally managed to setup the hosting on seekdotnet.com and set-up graffiticms for this site.

I also found some nice plug-in which I am currently testing, mostly about site theme (using one of Dana’s themes porting) and blog components.
I’ve also set-up latitude, of which I am currently little scared: do I want everybody to know where I am? I just think I’ll try it for some time.
I am extremely happy I was able to import my old post from my previously blog, which was kindly deleted by the hoster 🙂
Everything was done using a backup of the CommunityServer database, and an internal migration procedure of GraffitiCMS. Everything run smoothly, but the documentation (as it’s already known) is very pour.

Now there are alot of old stuff, and some new that my come in the next period.

Some nice reference about GraffitiCMS I found so far are:

plus others…

More stuff will come in the future, whenever (if ever) I’ll find some time :=
We’ll see how it goes.

About me

I’m a technology addicted, father of two wonderful sons and husband of a wonderful “Francy”.
Since 1997 I have been involved on collaborative solutions. I started first of all using real-time collaboration and eLearning tools (HP Labs), and later focusing on Internet Portals and collaborative tools to support business processes (WebResults). I started following Microsoft technology for document management and digital collaboration since MS Site Server 3.0, throughout all SharePoint versions, analyzing all needs and features to realize tools for companies’ intranet.
Since 2008 I’m working for Avanade Italy as Technical Lead on the area of Enterprise Collaboration and Social Computing. Current interests are mostly regarding solutions which leverage on people as “tools” to improve processes to provide value to the enterprise.
I am currently completing an Executive MBA at MIP Politecnico di Milano.
For further information about me

Latitude D830 100% processor

It’s the second time my notebook get to this situation where the cpu fan keep going, and the processor is 100% while the operating system is basically doing nothing.

The main symptom is the one described above, but the real indicator is an event viewer message saying:

“The speed of processor 0 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 16 seconds since the last report.” ( Source: Kernel-Processor-Power, EventID 37)

Last time I solved it by calling DELL support, which sent a technician to replace the fan. The issue is not related to the fan, but to the dust that get stuck within it. I then decided to solve it by myself this time, since I just don’t want to stay one hour at the phone explaining this thing to DELL another time (just for everybody reference: 5 out of 6 people in my office called dell for this thing… I think someone in their engineering forgot that, beside people working on the construction field, also offices has some minor dust around.. and mine I must say it’s pretty clean.


There what i have done (I suggest you to evaluate if to call dell assistance, and remember that opening your pc you could brake your warranty agreement)

i started from the dell service manual, which can be found here: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/latd830/EN/SM_EN/index.htm

I started with the Processor Thermal-Cooling Assembly procedure. Once it was completed, I removed the dust within the cooling assembly.



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Hosting defined: seekdotnet.com

Well seems like I got a final hosting decision for my Windows Based personal Hosting.


My Main driver were:

  • Windows Based hosting
  • .net framework 3.5 support
  • mid-low cost
  • Intuitive and advanced control panel.
  • Advanced platform (it allows win2k8+sql2k8)
  • SharePoint addon (optional)
  • Provide quite a nice range of common platforms that can be enabled on the hosting.

(also it was recommended by a friend, so it should be good to go).

It’s nice also to see that I am already posting to this site (using windows live writer) even before the hosting is activated. This is because GraffitiCMS comes with a file in his hives called Graffiti_demo.exe which actually allow you to run your site on your local file system. Behind the scenes, it’s using a standard component for a VisualStudio Developers


Very good idea.

New Personal site: English and GraffitiCMS

Hello! This is my new personal space re-startup.
After a first attempt using drupal for the site www.casu.it (where I succesfully posted lot of picture of myself from my wedding time: 2003) to the birth of my first son Riccardo, which ended when I changed job and company (and then lost the free hosting 🙂

Well, I changed job on Februrary 2008 and now got the time to make it back again (wow more than a year and a half just passed by…).
I chose two basic initial rules:

  • Use English for posting
    things a readable from more people (though they are less readable for italians… and that’s ok anyway 🙂
  • Use GraffitiCMS as a platform
    Although it has been defined as a kind of “playground platform” from telligent, I founded it pretty smart. It might not fit my need in the future… but I’ll try it for now.

I will also try to reimport all the previous post which were previously published at blogs.devleap.com/alberto_casu

Stay tuned


Oggi ho provato ad installare PointUI, grazie ad una segnalazione di Mario.
Devo dire che sono rimasto veramente stupito di come questo progetto sia in grado di customizzare la user interface di WindowsMobile 5 o 6, rendendola di fatto molto simile a quella di un iPhone (navigazione con lo spostamento del dito nel touchscreen per capirci).

Per ora ci sto giocherellando un po', vorrò anche provare a disinstallarlo per vedere come si comporta: infatti cambia la gestione dello start menu e quindi di tutta la navigazione principale.
Personalmente non sapevo che fosse possibile customizzare così WindowsMobile, sarebbe interessante sapere che API hanno usato 🙂

Per chi fosse interessato qui c'è un video d'esempio dell'applicazione, l'applicazione è free e può essere scaricata dal sito.